Kids Travel Blog – The Duck Friend – Chapter One

The Duck Friend
Chapter 1″Introducing”
Hello my name is Layla and I’m going on a trip.
And I am going to tell you a story about The crazy Orangutan.
It was last Day of SCHOOL!
She was going to San Diego with her brother named Lucca and her name she was Layla .
Her father’s name was john and her mom’s name was Nancy. But when they got there they had a pond in front of their hotel.
One fine morning in San Diago there was a QUACK! QUACK!
She woke up to see a rude Duck in front of the apartment and it said QUACK!
Then she yelled to her mom and dad wake up! But they were too lazy in bed.
So instead of going to plop on them she said to the duck QUACK. Then the duck replied , hello my name is Bob QUACK. Then she said, my name is Layla!. the duck looked confused and said quack?
Then Lucca came out and he saw the duck and Layla ran out.
She told him what happened but she didn’t get to finish saying it because Lucca went, OO OO OO .
But the duck disappeared .
Where did he go ,said Layla .
Into thin air, asked Lucca?
It was a mystery.
Jump into the Gap
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau