Protecting You and Your Family During International Travel

Use Common Sense
- Don’t be flashy. Don’t make yourself a target.
- Be healthily suspicious.
- Avoid walking drunk (especially at night).
- Watch out for scams. You can look them up online first to be prepared.
- Watch out for con artists.
- Ask locals for advice.
- Ask other travelers for advice.
Protecting Your Stuff
- Lock up your stuff.
- Keep a piece of paper with three false PIN codes.
- Keep a few notes of the lowest currency in your pocket. If you get mugged, bunch up the notes and offer it to the mugger. It’ll look like more money than it is, and it may save your life.
Special Safety Tips for Women
- Most people are nice and willing to help.
- Staring, hissing, cat-calling can all be problems.
- One idea: wear a fake wedding ring and say that you’re married.
- Dress conservatively.
- Know local cultural customs.
- Book hostels that are in busy city centers, not quiet rural areas.
- WikiTravel has tips for how to dress and stay safe.
- Bangkok has good cheap salons, massages, manicures, etc.
- A self-defense class is a good idea.
- A can of aerosol spray (insect repellant, hairspray) is a good red pepper spray alternative.
- Her one piece of advice is intuition. Trust your gut.
- . She trekked in Turkey and felt very welcome.