Feeding Lorikeet on Pretty Beach
Pretty Beach Australia
Oh, where are my kangaroo’s this morning?
They were like lazy deer for the last 3 days and now they are all gone? It’s so cute to see the babies in the mom’s pouches.
You’ll see a kangaroo with some extra feet and a tail hanging out and know one is in there. How to they breath in there?
We were able to get up close enough to see the baby joeys snout just peeking out of his mama’s pouch. You really do get within an arm’s reach from them and they don’t seem to mind one bit.
Pretty Beach is just that, Pretty! The sound of the ocean is in the distance and lounging kangaroo’s outside your cabin remind you at every moment your in Australia.
The kids and I have enjoyed every minute of this place. Unplugged, no distractions or temptations to begin searching for the next destination beyond what we have in our guidebooks.
Layla did a lot of school work. What a difference it makes when you just stay 2 nights somewhere. Long walks and natural exploration open up.
The birds are awesome here too!
Around 430 PM each evening the Rainbow Lorikeet grace us with their presence and eats right out of our hands.
Lucca’s a real bird lover now and soon we had all sorts of birds gracing our front porch. Unfortunately the other flying animals have taken a liking to him as well. He woke up in the middle of the night yesterday and said his back itched. I scratched it half asleep, put a T-shirt on and hurried him back into bed. The next morning it was apparent the mosquitoes had gotten the best of him.
I’ve come to really appreciate birds on this trip. The ordinary becomes the extraordinary here.
Parrots and Cockatoo in the wild visiting your porch like a duck or pigeon will never get old. The vibrant green, yellows, orange placed just right on the Rainbow Lorikeet is so beautiful. The Silver-crested Cockatoos soar through the air like seagulls. At Apollo beach the Crimson Rosella (parrot) are mistaken for the normal seagull.
Black swans and Australian pelicans grace the water inlets along the coast.
I went for a hike yesterday and saw yet another type of large parrot, black and high up in the tree, it was enjoying eating the local pine cones. It was the Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo. Stephen even found an Iguana just walking across a field!
We saw the Australian King-Parrot with the koala’s at Kennet River. The Welcome Swallow truly welcomed us with it’s royal blue head here.
Stephen took the kids for a hike yesterday and I kept thinking they were close by as I swore I heard them laughing, turns out it was the song of the Laughing Kookaburra.
The Kookaburra looks like a big King Fisher to me but the sound truly sounded like children’s voices.
We first saw the Australian Magpie at Merimbula.
They are very brazen and remind me of our common black crow but with their human like walk and contrasting white feathers I seem to appreciate them more than a crow. I wonder if foreigners to America get as excited over deer on their lawns or our Blue Jays or Cardinals?
And then there’s annoying little finch that keeps pecking at all the other birds. They don’t seem to mind.
The Red Wattlebird is also here. It took me a little bit to identify because the picture doesn’t seem to do it justice. It has red skin tags on it’s cheek that waddle like a turkey and a yellow underbelly.
The kangaroo’s are back! I love how they lean back on their muscular tails like a third foot to move forward, scratch with their claws and the way their arms dangle in front of them is comical.
The males are truly powerful looking. This brave one is just staring at me at my front step hoping I’ll feed it.
Finally have an 11 o’clock check out today so time to enjoy Pretty beach campground just a little more.
Next stop Sydney!
Jump into the Gap
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau
The animal life sounds amazing. I could hear those birds singing, while reading your article.