Kids Travel Blog – Love Cookie

I love my cat and her name is Cookie.

I am sad that Cookie has to go away.  So I have to say can you take care of Cookie?

Lucca likes cookie because she plays with us and  she is cud-lie and I like Cookie because she is a sweet cat and  my mom loves Cookie because she will let Mom pet her.  and she is a good alarm clock Cookie is a good cat.  she will sleep with the kids.

She  does not hiss. Cookie is a loving Cat.  that will love You.

Cookie wants you to take her home.

Now you can take Cookie home.


Jump into the Gap

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau

About Layla Pasquini

My name is Layla I am 6 years old and I love animals, reading and playing with my friends. My dad and mom say we are going on a trip around the world and I am very excited. I can't wait to go to Bali because my Dad showed me a video on YouTube. I will miss my cat Cookie and I am afraid of starving because sometimes I am scared to try new foods. I am generous and full of life and love and I can't wait to make new friends from all over the world.

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  1. So proud of your first post! I can’t wait to read more.