Balian Beach and Pondok Pitaya: Bali Indonesia

After 1 week in Bali our family was craving an ideal location for surf and fun with the kids. We happened upon Balian Beach after changing plans to avoid the overpriced Gilis.
Here is What we Wanted
- Great beginner/intermediate surfing right outside our door (check)
- Surfboards to hire/rent (check)
- A nice pool for the kids (check)
- very close to the beach (check)
- A spacious room (big check)
We found it all (and more) at Pondok Pitaya on Balian beach.
Although the surf was a bit bigger than I would have liked while were there, everything about Balian beach and Pondok Pitaya was perfect.
They had babysitting, yoga, message, wonderful surfing, surfing lessons, board rentals, good food, a great atmosphere and lots of vacationing families.
We stayed there for 5 days and 6 nights
The afternoon wind could be strong, but the morning and early evenings were perfect. The surf favors a 5-6 food swell with a mid to high tide. It can go from perfect to quite big overnight and is a bit fickle. There are strong rips and a rocky bottom so it is not great for surfing with small children.
The cost of a driver to Balian Beach from the East Coast of Sanur was 400,000 Indonesian Rupiah… About $35 US.
Surfboard rentals are right next to the hotel and should be no more than 50,000. There were boards of all sizes in mediocre condition for rent.
You can get lessons from a great instructor for about $35 US.
The message and yoga options are large and varied, on-site they are more expensive than you will find in the bigger cities.
The accommodations are unique and very, I call them super bungalows.
You are right on the beach and you can see the surf from your bed.
Tide shifts are huge and there is a very strong rip so again be forewarned.
Prices on tend to be the best. Pondok Pitaya on Bookings.
You may also want to double check on Agoda to find the best price. Pondok Pitaya on Agoda
Jump into the Gap
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau