7 Reasons You Should Visit Taiwan With Your Family

Day hiking the Walami Trail on the East Coast of Taiwan
Why Taiwan?
I can’t begin to tell you the number of people who when I explained to them that we were headed to Taiwan for 3 weeks looked at me and said “why Taiwan”?
But, no matter where we traveled in Asia we would invariably meet families, teachers, vagabonds and adventure enthusiasts alike who would rave about their time spent in Taiwan.
I hate to admit while I nodded my head in agreement I would have been hard-pressed to point to Taiwan on a map without a bit of coaching. “Somewhere near China I think?”
On our trip to Hong Kong in April something became apparent to me: I wanted to learn more about Chinese history and culture.
Since the Chinese visa laws for our family were cost prohibitive I figured I would put it on the backburner and make China, Tibet, and India a trip for a later time. But while searching for cheap routes home from Malaysia to Japan and home, there it was; Taiwan. I found it on the map and now thinking back to what everyone told me, I figured why not plan a trip there?
7 Reasons to Visit Taiwan With Kids
Taiwan is a great destination for families. On our year of travel, the most enjoyable places have been regions that combine nature along with rich culture, great food, and navigable cities. When I say navigable, what I mean is a good public transportation system, and Taiwan has one of the best. It’s also safe and easy to tackle by car, which means you have a lot of options. For families wishing to get off the beaten track a combination of the two is probably your best bet.
1. Taiwan has wonderful cities
The big cities like Taipei and the east coast cities of Tainan have spectacular food quaint and walkable streets and lots to do.
2. Taiwan has nature that rivals New Zealand
One word comes to mind “suspension bridge”! Along with suspension bridges, Taiwan boasts some of the most beautiful scenery we have seen in all of Australasia. I can’t tell you how many times I would walk outside and say “this looks like New Zealand“. Big surprise here. Also, Taiwan’s trails are accessible, easy day hikes abound for families.
3. Taiwan has extremely friendly people
People say hi with a smile. Contradictory to the warnings of fellow travelers, almost all Taiwanese under the age of 40 speak some English, they love to discuss culture, travel, and family. I would not be exaggerating if I said Taiwan has some of the friendliest most welcoming people on earth.
4. Taiwan has excellent internet speeds
Although this may not be a big draw for many of you, as digital nomad, I was so excited to login to wonderful and speedy WiFi everywhere we went. For $30 I was able to purchase a 30-day unlimited data package for my phone as well. We were able to Skype, share photos and even take the grandparents on a virtual tour of a Sun Moon Lake temple.
5. Taiwan has Farm Stays
I would never have thought of Taiwan as a place to spot grazing farm animals, but Taiwan’s farm stays are notorious and a hit for the kids. Although on the pricier side for sure, our stay at the Touching Leisure Farm will remain in our memories for a long time to come.
6. Taiwan is the biking capital of the world
Giant is a Taiwan biking company that in the 80’s and 90’s became one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world when they took over production for Schwinn. Now, in every big city Giant has a rental office and Taiwan has the largest, most well developed (albeit in some places a bit dangerous) system of biking trails I have ever seen.
7. Taiwan has Surfing
As a surfer, I am always on the lookout for a country where we can get in the water and go for a paddle. We did just this in Kenting and I was delighted to find a great beginners wave that in the off-season was a big hit for our family. The beaches are OK, but countries that combine the ocean and the mountains are always some of my favorites. Taiwan has surfing, who knew! Oh yeah, Taiwan also has Diving and Snorkeling.
Even with all these wonderful traits, I would say that Taiwan is probably still not going to please everyone. You have to be open to making mistakes, navigation by GPS when your car and the road signs speak another language, eating Subway from time to time be willing to pick up the phone and try your hand at Chinese, and make the decision to be adventurous.
Taiwan is a lot more than the makers of toys, bikes, and cheapt electronic parts but full of lush tropical forests, farm stays, mountains, hiking and biking trails, culture and yes, even surfing. If you like an active vacation, nature, smiling locals and jumping on a bicycle, then Taiwan will surely delight.
Jump into the Gap
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau
Wow! I had no idea Taiwan would rival New Zealand. You sold me in a trip!